Affilliated to Badminton England, The Limpsfield Club has badminton members of all ages. The club welcomes badminton players of all abilities, as well as the complete beginner and those returning to the game

2 Halls
1 Specialised Hall (with viewing area)
1 Sports Hall
Dedicated club room


The Limpsfield Club currently enters a number of teams playing excellent competitive badminton matches in the Surrey, Sutton, Crawley, Edenbridge and East Surrey Leagues.
We have 2 mens' teams in 2 leagues (Surrey and Sutton):
We have 1 ladies team playing in the Sutton League.
We have 3 mixed teams in 3 leagues (Surrey, Crawley & Edenbridge & East Grinstead) as well as 1 combination team that plays in East Surrey.

During the year The Limpsfield Club holds singles, doubles, mixed and handicap badminton tournaments. Please keep an eye on the badminton notice board for the Tournament notices and entry forms.
At the end of the badminton season every effort is made for all badminton members ( at least those that haven't picked up an injury ) to be able to play in The Limpsfield Club's Badminton handicapped tournament. Players can opt to play in the following categories: Men's Doubles, Men's Singles, Mixed Doubles and Ladies.